created this normal-size DVD-coverimage using inkscape 0.45 on Ubuntu 7.04. Designing this cover was a great opportunity to learn a little more about SVG.Link to a zip containing all images and inkscape-compatible svg-file.
A point not to be forgotten is that the penquin-graphics and the Slackware-button were not created by me. The Slackified Tux-image was taken from the Slackware propagande site: http://www.slackware.com/~msimons/slackware/grfx/ and the Slackware button was found somewhere on the internet.
Oh... lest I forget - the background tile was snatched in its entirety from the slackware website. It's all more of a composition really...
Hi Daniel,
a very nice work. Can you provide a download for this artwork? I would like to modify it for the new Slackware 13.1.
thanks for the feedback! I'll try to dig up the svg-file for you.
There. Link posted (check the middle of the post) - the svg project is in slight disarray, though. Hope it helps.
Thank you very much.
I'll work on this as soon as possible. I tried to load it into Inkscape using an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in VMWare and it worked. Now I have to learn more about Inkscape, but I think that your work is a really good starting point.
Thanks again.
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