I love this gtk2-theme! It makes the desktop warmer and easier on the eyes
window-border: mist (gnome-builtin)
background:The-Good-Times-1.jpg (kde-builtin)
These windowmanagers are perfect for use on a resource hungry system. There is some kind of zen-like beauty about them that makes me want to use them every now and again.
TWM Config-File -- CTWM Config-File
I can't remember how many times I've started over from scratch with this one! I always misplace this configuration file but only after spending hours on makin FVWM2 do something cool. This time... Things are going to be different.
I my case this file is supposed to reside withing the "~/.fvwm/" directory. Emacs inspired.
Emacs - Edit MACroS
Emacs can be hard to handle at times. And I have a tendency to forget my personal configuration whenever I reinstall Linux so I'm putting my emacs-configuration on my webpage. For future reference.
Quite a bit of it is probably just standard ubuntu-configuration. Look to the comments for guidence.
Lately I have been busy with what is called a "Tekniskt Basår" ( lit. Technical base-year) at Chalmers University of Technology. In a way have partly accomplished one of the goals set for myself in my cv. But I still have a long, long way to go, though!