A while back I had some trouble with the wireless Fujitsu-Siemens keyboard/mouse kombo that was included with the computer. It developed a nasty habit of picking up the keystrokes of a neighbours wireless keyboard! I was minding my own web-buisiness as usual when suddenly someone typed "Red Dragon" into an input field of a webpage! unless the wireless reciever had suddenly developed some sort of preemptive mindreading capability, it would be an understatement to say that this was a problem.
I spoke to with the company that I am leasing the computer from and they sent me a new wireless keyboard/mouse combo (same brand, though) and believe it or not but the very same thing happened again! Only - this time the same "someone" was searching for "borat".
After hitting the ceiling a couple of times I set out to get myself some unwireless periferals. Mouse-wise I stumbled across the Razer Krait (named after some snake I presume) for a measly 350 SEK. Being the last of the highend infrared gaming mice it will serve my purposes nicely. All I need is a good mouse plain and simple.
I'm using it under ubuntu dapper drake (6.06 LTS) and it workes fine. Bear in mind that you probably have to tweak your mouse-settings in gnome slightly.
For a simple person like me this mouse seems to be perfect. There are only three buttons left, right and middle/scroll (being a modest gameplayer, that's all I need). I you're an advanced gamer you would problably rather be looking at the newer 2000dpi laser mice that are available but if all you're looking for is "a good mouse" this one ought to do nicely.